Office of Xiamen Leading Group for BPIC Advanced Cooperation between Brazilian Delegation and Enterprises in Xiamen
Time: 2023-04-05

From April 2nd to 4th, the Brazilian delegation, composed of representatives from Brazilian state governments, departments and industrial associations, which was led by Luis, president of the Brazilian Mining Association (IBRAM), paid a visit to Xiamen.

The delegation visited to the Office of Xiamen Leading Group for BRICS PartNIR Innovation Center (BPIC). After the delegation’s tour to the BPIC Exhibition Hall, the two sides held a discussion on future practical cooperation in the mining sector between China and Brazil.

The delegation was also invited by the Office to join an enterprise visiting tour to C&D Group, ITG Group and Xiangyu Group. The two sides shared their strengths and information, and exchanged ideas on the cooperation between Brazil and Xiamen in the fields including new energy, smart agriculture and mineral development and trade.

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address:Consulate Area Building, 1 Consulate Road, Siming District, Xiamen, Fujian