28 Projects Top 13.4 Billion Yuan for BRICS PartNIR Innovation Center
Time: 2021-09-08

September 7 marked a signing ceremony for the BRICS Partnership on New Industrial Revolution Innovation Center (BRICS PartNIR Innovation Center), where 28 projects highlighting BRICS outcomes at a total investment of up to 13.404 billion yuan were signed in the presence of guests and merchants from home and abroad. The signing ceremony was held both online and offline.

Since the official launch of the BRICS PartNIR Innovation Center, Xiamen has successively released two batches of task lists with a total of 60 items, built 7 empowerment platforms in the field of the new industrial revolution, and rolled out the first batch of 39 demonstration benchmark projects in the field of the new industrial revolution under the strong support and efforts of national ministries, the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee and Provincial Government and related parties.

Totaling an investment of 13.404 billion yuan, the 28 projects signed cover a wide range of industries and involve cooperation centering on new industries and related service fields, including 5 in software and information, 7 in technical services, 1 in funding, 2 in logistics and transportation, 7 in economy and trade, 5 in industrial services, and 1 in the cultural industry. These projects will be carried out between China and other BRICS countries, including 19 with Russia, 13 with India, 16 with Brazil, and 11 with South Africa.

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