Aspiring to Excel, Shaping the Golden Era of BRICS——Top Ten Achievements of the BRICS PartNIR Innovation Center in 2023
Time: 2024-07-02

In 2023, the BRICS PartNIR Innovation Center (BPIC) saw significant developments, including the launch of the China-BRICS Science and Innovation Incubation Park for the New Era, the creation of impactful training programs related to the New Industrial Revolution (NIR), and the inauguration of China’s first cross-border air transport route between two BRICS cities. Focused on the NIR, the BPIC underscores the importance of “partnership” and is dedicated to advancing policy coordination, personnel training, and project development. Through the creation of a comprehensive work chain and a significant number of demonstration projects, the BPIC is enhancing BRICS and BRICS Plus cooperation and adding substance to their collaborative efforts.


Achievement One:  Launching the China-BRICS Science and Innovation Incubation Park for the New Era

On November 16, 2023, the China-BRICS Science and Innovation Incubation Park for the New Era was officially launched in Xiamen. The park is set to include a comprehensive service center, two demonstration parks (Science City and Software Park Phase III), and various specialized parks. With a core incubation area exceeding 200,000 square meters, the park aims to foster a cohort of cutting-edge technology companies that can be replicated across BRICS countries. Among the initial projects introduced are the Steinbeis (Xiamen) Collaborative Innovation Center, Transfong Ventures (Xiamen) International Technology Transfer Center, Russia House (Xiamen) Collaborative Innovation Center, and Novosibirsk State Technical University (Xiamen) International Technology Transfer Center.



Achievement Two: Creating Representative and Exemplary BRICS Cooperation Projects

At the 2023 BRICS Forum on the PartNIR and the BPIC Promotion Event in S?o Paulo, Brazil, a total of 31 BRICS cooperation projects were signed, with the collective investment surpassing RMB 14 billion. These projects encompass a wide range of sectors, including new energy, medical services, smart manufacturing, low-carbon environmental protection, and supply chain collaboration. Notably, the General Technology BPIC Headquarters project, with an investment of around RMB 5.5 billion, is aimed at establishing an exemplary demonstration platform for BRICS innovation in the NIR.

In addition, the BPIC’s steadfast support for private enterprises in Xiamen has led to remarkable success in expanding into BRICS markets, especially in the biomedicine and new energy sectors. For instance, Vangenes has established a medical testing branch in Brazil, forming profitable partnerships with three local laboratories and medical testing institutions. KHDE has also played a key role by providing integrated power conversion system (PCS) solutions for Brazil’s largest energy storage project. Additionally, Solar-LIT has supplied ACWA, the largest energy investment company in Saudi Arabia, with cutting-edge solutions for managing and maintaining photovoltaic power plants exceeding 10GW.


Furthermore, the BPIC has been actively promoting the global expansion of state-owned companies. C&D and ITG have established platform companies in BRICS nations, including Brazil, Russia, South Africa, and the United Arab Emirates. This strategic approach aims to elevate their supply chain services to a global level, integrate the resource elements of BRICS countries into their operations, and collaboratively build a robust and secure industrial supply chain system. The partnership between XGMA and a distributor in Brazil to establish a delivery center in Leme, S?o Paulo, exemplifies the BPIC’s commitment to promoting the export of high-quality engineering machinery and contributing to the development of BRICS nations.



Achievement Three: Elevating the Influence of the BRICS Forum on the PartNIR

The 2023 BRICS Forum on the PartNIR and its associated events were successfully held in Xiamen, showcasing the remarkable achievements of the BPIC. Notable outcomes included the signing of 10 BRICS cooperation projects like the Smart Carbon Satellite and Qichao Energy Storage, as well as 28 industrial cooperation agreements. The forum also saw the release of the “BRICS Industrial Internet and Digital Manufacturing Development Index” and other research findings, the establishment of the BPIC Blockchain Industry Alliance, the launch of the ASTRON Global Partnership Program, and the announcement of the initiative to establish the BRICS International Standards Organization for the NIR. Moreover, the 2023 BRICS Industrial Innovation Contest received 1,346 project entries, with 685 focusing on BRICS cooperation. The 2023 BRICS NIR Exhibition attracted participation from over 180 domestic and international institutions, including 12Fortune 500companies, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, and the Nickel Institute.




Achievement Four: Establishing the CIDCA Global Promotion Center’s First Innovation Training Center in Xiamen

On January 16, 2023, the Global Development Promotion Center of the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA) inaugurated its innovation training base in Xiamen. Situated at the BPIC, this training base serves as a key platform for implementing the Global Development Initiative through human resource training. It specifically targets the member states of the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative, facilitating the exchange of governance experience and sharing development knowledge to enhance the capacity building of developing countries in achieving the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

In 2023, the training base successfully organized various prestigious international in-person training programs, including the Seminar on High-quality Development of the Marine Economy and the Workshop on China’s Rural Development Experience and Global Sustainable Development. These events attracted 52 participants from 37 countries to Xiamen. Additionally, the training base conducted eight online training sessions, such as the “Entering the Chinese Market Personnel Training Series” and “Cross-Border Digital Marketing: Brand and Product Internationalization Personnel Training Series,” which collectively garnered 1.215 million views from 61 countries.



Achievement Five: Enhancing the Service Level of the Empowerment Platforms in the Field of the NIR

The BPIC has accelerated the development of eight empowerment platforms by conducting a detailed analysis of the priorities, critical issues, and core needs of BRICS cooperation in the NIR. One of these platforms, the Collaborative Innovation Platform for Industrial and Supply Chains, is dedicated to seven essential industrial chains, such as integrated circuits, biomedicine, new materials, and new energy. Utilizing data from over 30,000 companies, this platform meticulously outlines the complex relationships within these chains, enabling smoother industrial cooperation among BRICS and BRICS Plus nations. Moreover, the Industrial Capacity Sharing Platform consolidates over 30,000 pieces of BRICS policy information and think tank reports. By disseminating crucial insights into industrial development dynamics and trends, this platform empowers enterprises with maturity assessment and diagnostic services. Furthermore, the establishment of an Industrial Product App Store and the launch of the Digital Domain Standard Innovation Demonstration Platform enhance the capabilities of advanced artificial intelligence computing devices, offering essential testing tools for functions such as distributed computing, virtualization, scheduling, computer vision, and translation. Additionally, the Intellectual Property Trading Platform has amassed over 1 billion pieces of information on scientific and technological achievements worldwide, facilitating eight knowledge property trading events tailored to BRICS countries. Plans are also underway to establish a global patent and trademark data resource center.



Achievement Six: Institutionalizing the Operations of the BPIC Strategic Advisory Committee

The BPIC Strategic Advisory Committee is led by an elected chairperson and implements effective management measures to ensure institutionalized operations. The BPIC Strategic Advisory Committee, under the leadership of an elected chairperson, implements efficient management practices to ensure institutionalized operation of the committee. Currently, the committee consists of 33 members (29 domestic and four foreign), who are eminent experts and scholars from research institutions with specialized knowledge and a global perspective, as well as representatives from the entrepreneurial sector. Together, they provide guidance and strategic recommendations for the advancement of the BPIC. The successful convening of the inaugural plenary meeting of the committee has resulted in the development and publication of a series of research outputs, including the “Report on the Innovative Development of the PartNIR: Towards BRICS Countries.” This has further solidified the committee’s role as a strategic think tank.



Achievement Seven: Exploring New Approaches to Mutual Recognition of Standards among BRICS Countries

The Xiamen BRICS Technical and Skills Standardization Technical Committee has been established, consisting of 35 members, and the International Standard Service Station, based at the BPIC, has been launched. Additionally, specialized standard databases have been established for Brazil, Russia, India, and South Africa, containing 110,000 standard entries. Moreover, the “BRICS Excellent Product Codes” have been introduced, currently focusing on four key application scenarios: cross-border product traceability, supply chain digital management, cross-border product testing, and green supply chain finance. This system has significantly advanced the interoperability and mutual recognition of standards among BRICS countries.

Furthermore, in a bid to develop international standards in areas like vocational skills among BRICS nations, the BRICS International Group Standards for Machine Learning and Big Data have been released, and work has begun on the compilation of the International Group Occupational Skills Standards for Building Information Modeling.


Achievement Eight: Cultivating Impactful Training Programs in Key Areas of the NIR

Aligned with the overarching theme of the NIR, the BPIC has successfully organized the 2023 BRICS Training Program for Industrial Internet Leadership Personnel and the 2023 BRICS Excellence Training Workshop on NIR Technology and Governance. These programs attracted 39 international participants, with 15 high-ranking officials from 27 countries, including the BRICS nations. Led by top-tier experts from prestigious institutions, the programs combined theoretical knowledge with practical field visits. They featured over 10 courses on AI development and digital security and governance, among others, alongside 20 on-site learning sessions. These sessions included innovative components such as participant-led knowledge sharing and cultural exchange.

During the on-site learning sessions, participants had the unique opportunity to directly engage with executives from renowned companies in leading Chinese industries, including Huawei, HiTHIUM, and Intretech. This valuable interaction opened up doors for enterprises to expand their global reach.


Achievement Nine: Advancing the International Talent Recruitment of the BPIC through Diverse Strategies

As part of the efforts to establish a talent attraction platform, Xiamen Cardiovascular Hospital, affiliated with Xiamen University, set up the BRICS Cardiovascular Health Innovation Center and initiated the “Heart Seed” Visiting Scholars Program, recruiting 15 to 20 international visiting scholars annually for training in Xiamen. The China-Russia Research Center for the Digital Economy recruited seven experts from Russia and one each from Italy and Afghanistan to collaborate on joint research and development of key technologies in the NIR.

In a strategic move to attract top-tier international talent, the BPIC successfully recruited Alessandro Golombiewski Teixeira, former Brazilian Minister of Tourism and Senior Advisor to the New Development Bank (NDB), through the BRICS Economic Research Center at Xiamen University of Technology. Mr. Teixeira’s appointment aims to enhance dialogue channels with think tanks across the BRICS nations and foster deeper practical cooperation with the NDB. Additionally, the BPIC made strides in advancing research cooperation by bringing on board Mr. Saviko, a distinguished fellow of the Russian Academy of Engineering, and implemented six new measures for international talent attraction. Furthermore, the BPIC organized BRICS Plus study abroad project matchmaking events and specialized recruitment fairs, resulting in the successful recruitment of 38 professionals from BRICS countries.


Achievement Ten: Opening China’s First Air Cargo Express Route for Cross-border E-commerce between Two BRICS Cities

On February 10, 2023, China’s inaugural air cargo express route dedicated to cross-border e-commerce commenced operations, connecting the BRICS cities of Xiamen, China, and S?o Paulo, Brazil. This route facilitates the export of premium commodities, including cross-border e-commerce products, pharmaceuticals, and high-tech goods, while also streamlining the import process for fresh seafood and fruits.

In 2023, this route successfully completed 226 round trips, transporting a total of 16,400 tons of goods. It facilitated the export of 16.09 million cross-border e-commerce parcels, achieving an export load factor of 100%. On the import side, the route mainly brought in fresh products like salmon, grapes, and cherries, totaling 6,005.8 tons. This significant volume of trade effectively bolstered economic and trade cooperation among BRICS countries.


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